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11. Definition Lists
In lesson 6 we saw how to create two types of lists:
ordered <ol>...</ol> and unordered <ul>...</ul> lists.
We now introduce a third variety, the definition
list. Unlike the lists we have seen earlier, the definition list marks its entries
not with a bullet marker or a number, but by its pattern of indentation.
The format for a definition list tag is:
<dt> title1
<dd> definition1
<dt> title2
<dd> definition2
<dt> titleN
<dd> definitionN
The <dl> .... </dl> tags include alternating pairs of
titles <dt> and definitions <dd>.
A Web browser will typically generate the list with each definition indented to offset it
from the title.
Viewed in a web browser, the above example looks like this:
- title1
- definition1
- title2
- definition2
- :
- :
- titleN
- definitionN
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