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The advertisers pay you 50 cents per hour to surf the web,
.10 cents per hour from direct referral, download viewbar after signup
As long as you get connected to internet, you will get paid, the more ads are shown , the more you earn, immediate download of viewbar. |
What you need is to get online to get paid for this,download the viewbar after signing up, and get paid about 60 cents per hour
SurfAd pays you about 60 cents per hour to surf the web, first come first serve for viewbar download, so sign up now.
advertisers pay u about 50 cents per hours to surf, and you can also get paid to read emails, but have to wait a while for viewbar download.
advertisers pay you % of their revenue, immediate download, several ways to earn points that can be converted to cash, check this out.
you are paid 60 cents per hour to surf the web, first come first serve queue for viewbar download.
If you are a webmaster, and want to earn more, check here
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